
【受験生応援号2022】報道部入部問題 英語


    Long years ago, an old man, who was called “Taketori no Okina”, was there. He usually harvested bamboo in the hills and the dales and used it for making various things. His name was “Sanuki no Miyatsuko”. There was a bamboo whose root had been blight in the bamboo thicket. When he wondered his own eyes and approached it, its internal part was shining and a cute girl, whose height appears to be about 3.6 inches, sat in it.

    Okina said that he found her presence because she stayed in the bamboo at which he looks every morning and evening. He also said that she seemed to be someone who should be his daughter.

    The emperor passed his messenger the pill of immortality that the princess had given him with the pot. He nominated “Tsuki no iwakasa” as the messenger and commanded him to bring the pot to the peak of the mountain in Suruga. The emperor also taught him what to do there. Thus, he ordered his messenger to line up and burn the letter, which she had sent to him, and the pot which included the pill of immortality. After that his messenger understood how to do it and climbed the mountain taking along with a lot of soldiers, he named that mountain “Mt. Fuji”.

    It is said that the smoke from which was emitted from the letter from the letter and the pot is rising up in the clouds. 

問1 この古典作品の名前を答えよ。

問2 本文(上段)中にスペルミスがある英単語が一つある。それを指摘し正しく直せ。

問3 本文においてEmperorが月の岩笠に命令した内容を答えよ。

問4 本作品の中で歌われている次の和歌を英訳せよ。

「逢ふことも 涙に浮かぶ わが身には 死なぬ薬も 何にかはせむ」


問1 『竹取物語』

問2 誤:blight


問3 不死の薬が入ったつぼと手紙を、駿河国にある山の頂   上に持って行き、並べて燃やすこと。

問4 (例)The pill of immortality is useless for me because I cannot see you and spend all my time in sorrow. 

受験生応援号 2873951699122630866
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