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  Political citizenship is not only about a legal status, right or obligation, but also symbolizes the right to participate and be represented in politics as ‘political actors’. What “kind” of political actor we are socialized to become shape how we perceive ourselves in the political domain, influencing our actions, decisions and potential impact in a society. Such qualities can usually be acquired through citizenship education sponsored by the state, which is seen to facilitate the political foundation of citizens that affect their later functionality as political agents.

  In Japan, democracy was not a result of civic struggles in which the quality of democracy had been repeatedly substantiated from the bottom. Rather, the current framework of Japanese democracy is a political system which was introduced and implemented by and during an external occupation approximately 70 years ago. Therefore, it is thought that the concept of political citizenship and popular *sovereignty had little or no root in Japanese society at the time of implementation and thus would have required cultivation.

  However, it is thought that an educational curriculum aimed specifically at *imbuing political literacy in Japan remains at its *nascent stage. One historian explains that, despite Japanese educational law stating the need to *endorse a ‘public’ mindset, there is a *dearth of political literacy programs in Japan that follow up on it. Students are taught about the basic facts about democracy and social rules but are not required to take part in rule/policy making. Attempts to teach aspects related to democracy are vague and lack practicality. Students are taught to ‘obey rules’ but are not taught how to make them.

  Therefore, the political socialization process which is seen as essential for establishing and nurturing political citizenship, especially so for a society that had never operated under popular sovereignty, is seen to have been poorly institutionalized in post war Japan.







問1 二重下線部分に文法ミスが一つある。それに丸をつけて直しなさい。

問2 一重下線部分の‘Substantiated from the bottom’が何を指しているのかを英語か日本語で説明せよ。

問3 第二段落において、戦後の日本にとって政治教育の必要性はどのように議論されたのか。英語か日本語で説明せよ。

問4 第三段落について、著者が指摘した日本の政治教育の問題点を日本語で説明せよ。


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