


【Ⅰ】I’9 years old and in the 4th grade. I decided not to go to school since the first semester of my 3rd grade, because the friends around me looked like robots. The reason they looked like robots is they silently obeyed what their parents and teachers said. My mom and dad said that I had to go to school only when I want to. So, I went to school only to have a lunch. Then my friends said me that I was stingy and crafty, so I replied them that they should also do it if they think so. That’s why I felt they looked like robots.  I have a big dream of building a “child peace boat” which is able to accommodate only 1000 children who are disable to go to school or want to travel the world. I want to watch the world, make friends in other countries, and eliminate war. I am taking various challenges to make the world where children play active roles. I think that both children and grown-up should live freely like this. Everyone, life is an adventure!

【Ⅱ】First of all, my impression on him was a son of a bitch. I think he makes light of life. I also think he makes light of society. He says that you should do what you want to do without going to school and pioneer your life rather than go to school and do unpleasant study and homework. What the hell can he do who can’t do even such trivial homework? I felt really sad. I want to tell you that you should go to elementary school and junior high school at least. I have dropped out of college twice and now belong to third university, yet even I have normally studied at these schools and normally graduated from them. I won’t say anything bad, but you had better receive compulsory education, hopefully go to high school at least. Aren’t you serious to be below me? It is no doubt because I’m saying. The man who are continuing to escape from bad things is just myself. At least you should go to school. I feel miserable, because looking at him is like looking back on me. I want him to live a decent life. 

1 【Ⅰ】の筆者が学校に行かなくなった理由について50字以内の日本語で述べよ。
2 傍線部①を日本語訳せよ。
3 傍線部②を日本語訳せよ。
4 波線部 receive compulsory education を文章中の英語8語で言い換えよ。
5 【Ⅱ】の筆者は【Ⅰ】の筆者に何を言おうとしているか。文章全体を踏まえ、70字以内の日本語で述べよ。
6 【Ⅰ】【Ⅱ】それぞれの筆者の名前を答えよ。
7 あなたは【Ⅰ】【Ⅱ】のどちらの筆者を支持するか。40語前後の英語で論述せよ。



1 親の言うことや先生の言うことを黙って聞く周りの子がロボットに見えたから。(36字)
 the reasonや whyに注目。

2 僕には大きな夢があって僕と同じ不登校の子や世界に行きたいっていう子供1000人集めて子供だけが乗れる子供ピースボートを作ることです。

3 学校に行って嫌な勉強や宿題とかするくらいなら学校に行かずに自分の好きなことをやって人生を切り開いていった方がいいと言っている。
 ここでのpioneer は「切り開く」という意味で使用されている。

4 go to elementary school and junior high school
compulsory educationは「義務教育」。

5 不登校になることは大学を2回中退した自分よりも情けない人間になることを意味しているので、学校に行きまっとうな人生を歩んでほしいということ。(69字)

6 【Ⅰ】ゆたぼん 【Ⅱ】ステハゲ

7 【Ⅰ】を支持する場合
(例)I also agree with Yutabon’s idea, because I believe that we can do whatever we want if we stop going to school. Besides, Sutehage’s idea is not worth obeying since he dropped out of university twice. (36語)
(例)I think Sutehage’s idea is persuasive. When we go to society, there is a lot to be patient. For such practices, Yutabon should go to school and do homework. Fortunately, since Yutabon is young, he will be able to redo his life. (43語)



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